
Tuesday 2 July 2013

Cyprus 2013 - Day 1 - Part 1

Hi guys!

Im in Cyprus! YAY! Well, actually Im typing on the plane, but by the time I post this I will be in Cyprus! I love being on holiday, with the sun and the sea and everything in between. It all just makes you feel so relaxed, until you go and do something amazing and exhilerating!

I woke up this morning (Well, my mum woke me up this morning) at about 8:30, giving me plenty of time before we set off at eleven. I did just kind of walk around aimlessly for about an hour and a half before actually getting ready and being productive. We then set of at about 11:20, getting to the airport about an hour later. It was so sunny, it was like England was happy to see us go! But, when I got out of the car, I realised that it wasnt quite as sunny as I had origanally thought (Brrrrrrrr!) We then went to the airport, did all the airport security things, and went past the beepety beep things. My mum got stopped and searched, which was kind of hilarious to watch! But anyway, after we got our bags back, we went to go get some lunch by the Duty Free bit, but there was no Burger King! How can there be no Burger King?! I got a burger from a differnt place instead, which wasnt even half as nice and three times as expensive:(

But then it was time to get on the plane! I went to the loo then we boarded, I grabbed the window seat as well. I love the window, you can see the world! The pilot then told is we were 35 monutes delayed, which was fine by me, and then we eventually set of.

Then I engaged in the bit of plane journeys that I love the most. Putting on my headphones, blocking out the world, and watching a movie/listening to music/playing a video game. With no one to bother me, and no real reason to move for five hours (except for the bathroom) it sounds like the perfect way to spend an afternoon to me:)

So I used my 'block out the world' time to write this blog post. Right now Im just chilling on the plane, headphones and all, listenening to a bit of Macklemore:) So alls good with me!

Ive also just spent too long on a free minecraft-type game, making this swimming pool/water room:)

So I will just continue to feel chill-tastic for the next couple of hours, doing whatever I please :)


This day might have a part two, if Im not too tired tonight, or I might just tag it onto the start of tomorrows.

Bye guys!!!!!;)

I will leave you with some random plane shots xD

Posted via DraftCraft app

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